"Nevertheless, after much tribulation, the Lord did hear my cries, and did answer my prayers, and has made me an instrument in his hands. . . "
We posted earlier in our mission about a conference call and the whole mission praying for one of our missionaries. It was a powerful, wonderful experience. This week we experienced that same powerful prayer in our behalf. It was humbling, comforting and amazing! Greg had a heart "episode" about 10 days ago in the middle of transfer week. We were scheduled to drive a van full of trainers and their new companions to their new area - Medford. I was at the office trying to get some last minute work done before leaving. Great was at the Church where the new missionaries were getting the last of their training from the Assistants. Nothing worked for me - my computer mouse died, the computer keep freezing up,my pictures I was trying to download kept disappearing, etc. I was getting more and more frustrated and even a bit "frantic". I felt over-whelmed, oppressed even. I decided that we just couldn't do the run to Medford, I HAD to get the work done. I asked another couple in the office if they would mind going instead. They were wonderful and quickly agreed.
Meanwhile at the Church were Greg was sitting in the van while the missionaries loaded their belongings - he was experiencing chest pains and pressure, trouble breathing and all the other typical heart attack symptoms. He began the drive to the office to pick me up. Right after he prayed for the ability and strength to do what was planned, I called him and told him we weren't going after all. Long story short - we were soon in the emergency room of the hospital hooked up to an EKG. President and Sister Russell nearly beat us there! Them being there so quickly for us (when they have so much to do) - was such a comfort! All indications were he had a mild heart attack. We were told he would be there for several more hours while they observed him.
Soon after we were told that there was another conference call out for the mission. This one was for us. We both shed many tears as we listened to our wonderful Mission President and his sweet wife pray for us, knowing that nearly 200 missionaries around the state were on their knees adding their faith to that prayer! The result - the Lord heard our cries and our prayers were answered! We were released from the hospital soon after. A follow-up with the cardiologist and he will be receiving an angiogram on Wednesday. We feel calm and comfort. Our mission is not over and so many are praying for us.
The faith of these young missionaries is awe-inspiring. They sacrifice so much to serve the Lord and they do it with so much joy. We love them and are continually grateful for their example and enthusiasm and love.
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